Sunday, August 8, 2010

Five In The Morning..

"Individuality and Spirituality are a conception that needs to be considered."
-Desiree Darnell.

"Enjoy the love while you can inhabit it, those whom possess the passion may not keep towards it.."
-Desiree Darnell

"Elope into death whilst the damage has begun."
-Desiree Darnell

"Peace is to war as love is to hate. War is love of power and passionate envy. Hate kills off the war causing internal peace."
-Desiree Darnell

"Spurts of impulse conquer your alternate reality of clinical sobriety."
-Desiree Darnell

Abstinence isn't necessarily based around sexual desire. It's based on refusing to give into humane passions.

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